March is coming soon already. In Japan, the new school year and the new fiscal year of companies start in April, so March is the busiest season for moving.
In recent years, the problem of “Cannot move” always comes up in this season.
What does it mean?
Actually in Japan, there are many professional moving companies of course, but many of them are constantly facing a problem of lack of manpower, also recently one major moving company has stopped their business due to the excessive charges of fees become light. In addition this year, nearly 8,000 residents of a major real-estate company of “Leopalace21 Corporation” are asked to leave by the end of March, because a considerable number of properties that doesn’t satisfy the Building Standards Law were found due to their construction failure.
Under these circumstances, people who want to move cannot easily make reservations, then some of them just started moving by themselves packing in small boxes to carry them with delivery services, carrying by car for large items, or disposing old belongings and replacing at a new house.
FYI, the price of moving charges is about 87,000 yen (about US$787) in the busiest season in case of a single person. For a family, it’s about 155,000 yen (about US$1,400), but it would cost more this year.
Some family recently got a quote of 1 million yen (about US$9,050) for two people moving, I think it’s just too much! >_<
Source: FNN PRIME online